
pak tam |switch no-handed plasticman

mat bum | turbine megaspin

qidran | turbine elk-glide

boy guaq | backyard
12 a.m daily.
Taman Ria market Sungai Petani, Kedah.
desperately we need proper flat, smooth area to practice the so called BMX flatland.
as there's no place to ride at town , so we have no choice other than riding at this spot.
its a wet market , where people sell fish. veg , meats etc. in the morning.
and when the shops are closed at night , our riding session starts.
the only place left for us to ride peacefully and progress in our riding,
other than some small area shared between us and takraw players in Taman Jubli Perak.
well ,if you want to ride, anything will do. right?
its all about passion.
p/s : photo taken with my new 550D and sunny's fisheye lens.
its a manual focus lens but the output was yet very sharp images.
oh i love this lens!
at least the wet market is all yours at night.available with good lightings.mega vertical spin rules!
i wonder where do the bmx vertical riders can practice in sp?
ours? haha. not really. sometimes police and guards came and scold us.
vert? we don't have wert riders in sp. but we have a lot of park riders in alor star.hehe
aik. baru balek teros beli 550d tu ke? mantop!
nadten : mestilah. dah target before smpai malaysia lagi.haha