Bone cyst in right Femur
Orthopaedics OPD
cervical traction for cervical fracture
a broken implant and malunited humerus
collagen to help wound repair
a father and son with Crouzon Syndrome
rare congenital anomaly , 1 : 100 000 occurance
male orthopaedics ward
cutting a plaster of Paris cast
removing a K-wire
view from OPD
fiberglass cast
bilateral cast for Congenital Talipes Equino Varus / CTEV ( club foot deformity )
Patil Mama
fractured clavicle
bipolar prosthesis
malunited fracture
ended my Orthopaedics posting.
now i'm considering to do specialty in Sports Medicine.
previously Sports Medicine specialty was under Orthopaedics Department ,
but now a seperate Masters / Diploma programme has been conducted in
who knows with this , maybe i can work under Majlis Sukan Negara ,
and be part of Malaysia Sports team again , not as national athelete like i used to be
( click here ) , but as a sports physician instead.
with more and more medical students graduating , I believe the competition
for post-graduate seats will become even tougher in the future , especially
in 'popular' branches like family medicine , cardiology etc.
Sports Medicine is often misunderstood by most people , but I see
good potential in it , in career projection and
to escape from 'routine' doctors life.
( working with atheletes in MSN )
I also think that in the future in Malaysia , getting the job after graduating
from medical school will not be as easy as it used to be .
we can say now medical students will definitely get a job as soon as
they graduates , but that situation will change .
Medical students might have to be ( or already being )
screened via interviews , exams and
have to prepare CV / resume like in other professions .
( or worse case , looking for jobs in )
So my plan is , apart from medical knowledge and skills ,
i will try to keep doing what i like to do , travelling ,
climbing mountains etc and achieve more things and experience related to
Sports Medicine to add up to my resume.
next thing to do is Pune International Marathon in December 2014.
and of course family , marriage , house , car and investments.
Orthopaedics Posting
Karad 2014.
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